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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This Week's Shopping Trip

My 4 year old and I had a date over the weekend. After our movie and dinner, I asked her what she wanted to do next, and she said she wanted to go shopping. Of course, we rarely do retail, so to her, shopping means thrift stores. What a great date she is!

I've sold these rollers at least 4 times, so I was thrilled to find another set for $2.99.

And I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw FOUR of these older style military jackets - NEW with tags - for only $3.99 each! I've sold my husband's old used ones for around $10 before, so I'm excited to see these sell.

Later in the week, I had an hour to kill between two appointments, and what do we do when we have time to kill?? We shop! I only had 20 minutes of actual shopping time, but I made it count! Here's what I got:

I had my eye on these a couple weeks ago. I picked one up and saw the $9.99 price tag and almost laughed out loud. Then I almost laughed out loud even harder when I realized that price was for EACH picture! So I put them back down and left. Apparently everyone else thought that was a funny price too, because they repriced them this week to $1.99 each. Much better. I have no experience selling this sort of thing, but they're really cute and in great condition, so we'll see.

I recently sold a lot of 22 Nintendo games for $51 at auction. I wish they'd gone higher, but my investment was so low that I was still happy with $51. Goodwill had a huge box of these the other day, but they wanted $1.99 each for them. I asked if I could buy the whole box for less, but they had just put them out that day, so they said no. I picked out what I thought were probably the good ones. I was wrong about Zelda. It's the gold cartridge that does so well, but I should do ok with mine. I also sold Mario 1, 2, and 3 in a lot for $23, so I'll hang on to this 1 and 2 until I find 3. Adding Dr. Mario in with that should get me even more. Tetris ... meh ...

I ALWAYS buy Josef Seibels when I find them, and they ALWAYS sell within 2 weeks. And mary janes? Even better! I also always buy SAS when they're in good shape. They're a pretty high seller.

And last but not least, I picked this up without even checking it on my phone, because I thought surely it would do "alright."  I was right! Definitely worth the $2.99 risk :)

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