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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A or B or Freaking C?? Regional Priority What???

I know, the Regional Flat Rate A & B options are confusing aren't they?  Maybe we can make it less complicated, at least I'll try not to confuse you!  Let's begin by taking a look at the different sizes of Regional boxes.  Remember now, you can only get these by ordering online at the USPS site.

This is the side loading Regional A.  Notice the inside dimensions. This will give you an idea of what can fit inside.  Remember at this point we are just going over the sizes. This size is good for heavy clothing. Notice that this box has a maximum weight of 15 lbs to receive the special rate.  Anything above the 15 pounds gets charged regular priority rates.
This is the Regional Box A Top Loader.  It is a nice size! This one is 15 lbs too.

The Regional Rate Box B is more expensive to send.  But obviously they are larger in size and you can send a weight up to 20 pounds in these.  

Look at the size of this box!  I love this size.  So now you have seen all of the sizes available on these special rates.  So what now?
Where do we go from here?  
There is an easy peasy way to see if you should use the Regional Rates but I'm not going to tell you yet!! Mwuhahahahahaha       No, I want you to really understand what the Regional Rate Box system is all about.  You need to understand the concept.
The Regional rates are decided by what zone you are shipping to.  Basically if your item is more than 2 lbs and can fit into a Regional Flat Rate A box, you will save money!  If your item is going to Zone 1, you will be saving big bucks!  If your item is over 4 lbs and can fit in the Regional Flat Rate B boxes then you will be saving major bucks.  It is a good rule to follow.  Here is the rates by zone:
Now the next question I can hear you asking is;  "How do I know what zone I am mailing to?"  Oh,  Grasshopper... such a wise question! Go to the USPS Zone Chart Page  enter your zip code and then print off your chart.  I keep mine on a clipboard with my listing supplies.

So now you know what zone you are sending to, and you know what the Regional Rates are.  
To see just how much you can save, take a look at these Priority Commercial prices (the prices that you get by printing off your label through Ebay, Paypal,, Endicia, and Click n Ship)
I hope this has made it easier to understand the new pricing system.  Basically the closer your buyer lives to you, the bigger your savings based on weight and box size restriction!  
Of course you can just figure this out the easy peasy way.  First go to your My Ebay and open your shipping label.
So, what cha think?  Huh?  Huh?  Huh?
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  1. This is an EXCELLENT post!!! I know these boxes have caused a LOT of confusion for a LOT of people (myself included). They have the potential to save us TONS of money, so it's well worth the time and effort to figure it out. Thanks so much, Tina!

  2. I agree with the above comment. I didn't even think it was possible to print these labels from home using ebay or Paypal directly, and of course when I attempted to print a label through, I had a problem (and wouldn't have been able to use my Paypal balance to pay for it anyway!). I almost didn't even want to offer regional options to buyers thinking I'd have to go other routes aside from Paypal, but now I see how easy it can still be! Thanks!

  3. Regional boxes are the best thing ever! They come in useable sizes, and also ones that substitute the flat boxes. USPS doesn't get enough credit for their package services.
