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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thrifting Fast Update

So how's it going? Have you all been shopping?

I haev a very exciting announcement about my shopping fast! I got ALL my old unlisted inventory listed last week! So I got to go shopping!  I found a lot of fun new goodies, which I got listed within 4 days. And you know what? 3 of them sold overnight!

Let me tell you - it is an AMAZING feeling to bring a bag of goodies into the house and list them and send them right back out again. It also feels pretty great to be out shopping guilt-free. I didn't have any thoughts in the back of my mind about the mountains and mountains of stuff I already have at home that I should list, so why am I buying more. It was just fun!

So I'd like to challenge you (and myself!) for 2012 ... get all your new purchases listed within one week of bringing them into the house. I am going to aim for 48 hours, but life does happen around here, so I'll officially give myself a full week. It's great not having bins of stuff all over the living room. I'm excited to see if I can keep that up. We can do this!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes - I'll second that! Stock just seems to multiply - I'm going to make 7 days max to list new stock my goal too.

    Happy New Year!
